Lunch & Dinner Provided by GFCU to SAFD Decontamination Unit
Generations is happy to thank the hardworking members of this team by providing lunch and dinner, and to support their efforts to keep our community safe and strong. The SA Fire Department Decontamination Unit works around the clock to make sure that emergency vehicles used to transport possible and positive COVID-19 patients are sterilized and ready for deployment. These emergency vehicles include those from San Antonio EMS and regional districts surrounding the Bexar County area.
Boysville July Birthday Celebration
It was our pleasure visiting our Boysville, Inc. partners to help them celebrate their July birthdays. Special thanks to our amazing friends at Blue Cares Outreach and San Antonio Police Officers Association for providing lunch and treats.
Blood Drive
The GFCU 2020 Corporate Cup Charity Challenge Fundraising Committee hosted three blood drives with the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center, with on-site coverage on Facebook Live. We have collected over 40 units of blood, and look forward to continuing to schedule blood drives to help meet the critical need in our community this summer. We’re pleased to show the ways that #GFCUCares during this community health crisis. Follow us on social media for news on upcoming events.