Fast decisions
No Payments up to 90 Days1
Competitive, Fixed Rates
Estimate your monthly payment.
Find the right auto loan financing for your budget and needs.

*This information may help you analyze your financial needs. It is based on information and assumptions provided by you regarding your goals, expectations and financial situation. The calculations do not infer that the company assumes any fiduciary duties. The calculations provided should not be construed as financial, legal or tax advice. In addition, such information should not be relied upon as the only source of information. This information is supplied from sources we believe to be reliable but we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Hypothetical illustrations may provide historical or current performance information. Past performance does not guarantee nor indicate future results.
Auto Rates
New + Used Comparison
APR (As low as)*
APR (As low as)*
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Rates listed include a discount of 0.25%, which may be applied to new and used Auto Loans that are enrolled in automatic payments from a MyAdvantage Checking account at time of closing. APR is effective as of 01/22/2025. Payment Example: For a $15,000 loan for a term of 36 months with a 5.15% APR, the monthly payment will be $450.59.
84 months available for $30,000 or greater
72 months available for $20,000 or greater
60 months available for $10,000 or greater
48 months available for $5,000 or greater
Use AutoSMART to find, research and apply for your next vehicle.
With Generations’ AutoSMART auto-finder website, you can:
- Search from hundreds of local dealerships
- Calculate your payments
- Read reviews
- Look up any vehicle on Black Book and NADA Guides
When you find a vehicle you’re interested in, contact the dealership to schedule a test drive or apply for auto financing with GFCU directly from AutoSMART.

Vehicle Protection and Peace of Mind
Are you financing your vehicle through GFCU?
Then consider purchasing additional vehicle protections that pick up where insurance policies and manufacturer warranties leave off.
Don’t let an unexpected event take the joy out of your new purchase.
Experience peace of mind with GAP, MMP and MVP benefits.
Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) Advantage2
GAP coverage could eliminate or reduce costs that your insurance policy doesn’t cover if your vehicle is totaled due to an accident, fire, or theft. Protection also includes a $2,500 allowance to finance a replacement vehicle.
Major Mechanical Protection (MMP)3
MMP coverage keeps your vehicle protected after your manufacturer’s warranty expires. Get quoted for MMP coverage even if your vehicle is not financed with GFCU.
Member Value Protection (MVP)4
MVP coverage gives you a benefit up to $6,000 in depreciation coverage when you return to GFCU to finance a replacement vehicle due to total loss or unrecovered theft.
Auto Loan Resources
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective 11/04/2024. Rate of 5.15% APR includes a rate discount of 0.25% applied to new and used auto loans when enrolled in automatic payments from a MyAdvantage Checking account.
All loans are subject to approval. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change.
1Conditions do apply in order for an auto loan to receive the 90-day payment deferral option and not all loans will qualify. Interest will continue to accrue through the deferred payment period. Refinances of existing GFCU auto loans are not eligible for the 90-day first payment deferral or the autopay rate discount. Additionally, a $75 fee will be assessed for any refinance of an existing GFCU auto loan.
Payment Example: For a $15,000 loan for a term of 36 months with a 5.15% APR, the monthly payment will be $450.59.
2Your purchase of GAP Advantage is optional. Whether or not you purchase GAP Advantage will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any existing credit agreement you have with the Credit Union. There are eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions that could prevent you from receiving benefits under GAP Advantage. You should carefully read the contract for a full explanation of the terms.
3Plans are available for most new and used domestic and imported vehicles. Speak to a lending representative for vehicle eligibility criteria and more details.
4Programs and coverages may vary by state/lender. Please refer to the contract for additional terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. This material is for marketing purposes only. Maximum MVP benefits are not always paid to vehicle purchase price.