Turkey Express 2020 – Police Appreciation Day
Every year during our Turkey Express event, we give Thanksgiving meals to the men and women of our San Antonio Police Department as a thank you for sacrificing holiday time with their families in order to keep our community safe. It is only a small gesture in comparison to all they do for us. Watch our interview on Daytime with Kimberly & Esteban to learn more about Turkey Express.
Turkey Express 2020 – Firefighter Appreciation Day
Our 8th annual Turkey Express honors the brave men and women at the San Antonio Fire Department. As a team we delivered Thanksgiving meals to each fire station in the city to show our support for their hard work and sacrifice this holiday season. Learn more about our Turkey Express event in our segment on Daytime with Kimberly & Esteban.
Blue Santa Toy Drive
On November 9, 2020, Generations kicked off the 2020 Blue Santa toy drive in partnership with the SA Police Officers Association Blue Cares Outreach. Toys and donations are being collected at all branch locations through November. With social distancing measures in place, unwrapped gifts will be delivered this year to schools in December by Blue Cares.
GFCU Wins Corporate Cup 2020 Charity Challenge and T-Shirt Design
GFCU stepped up community support with the San Antonio Sports Corporate Cup 2020 Charity Challenge! Our Employee Fundraising Committee raised $8,900, and collected 1,000 items of clothing and food donations, and 122 units of blood. We’re pleased to win the Division Four Charity Challenge and T-Shirt Design Contest, and even happier to support Haven for Hope, the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio, the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, the San Antonio Food Bank, and San Antonio Sports.